Requirements for admission

The courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics are open for all students worldwide having proficiency in English and sufficient educational background. You don’t need to be registered student at any university to attend; the course is open for anyone that is eligible.

The courses are free of charge for citizens of European Union, EEA, and Switzerland, as well as it may also be free of charge for official exchange students from other countries and for residents of Sweden. Full information and the options available to attend the course will be mailed to you after you have signed up for the course on the sign up page.

For students with European Union education at least 150 ECTS* credits are required from a university education or corresponding education. It is generally required that at least 60 of the ECTS credits are within an area of bioscience or the corresponding, such as from pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary-medical, dental or natural science education. However, for some engineering programs like chemical technology, molecular biotechnology and bioinformatics 30 of the ECTS credits is sufficient to have within bioscience. An individual assessment of the student’s credits may be made before admission where upon depending of the students background the requirements may deviate from the above stated.

For students with non-European education at least two and a half years of studies in the areas corresponding to above is required, with admission being made after individual examination of the student’s credits.

Upon signing up you will obtain a mail with instructions on the documents required to complete your application.

Attending without showing credits

If you don’t want to show credits you may still attend the course. Please sign up here and we will send information how to attend the course without showing credits.

Attending as an affiliated student

If you are a student affiliated to an institution, company or organization (e.g. PhD student, master student, affiliated student, etc.) you can attend our commissioned courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics. You then don’t need to show credits, and your department would defray the cost for the course. This option is recommended for students that are non EU/EAA-citizens in order to cut the cost for their education. More information on these student courses is available here. Note that a student you may also take the individual student courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics for which you sign up here. This alternative is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens but requires you to show credits.

Note that irrespectively of which alternative you select for attending, the ECTs can be added to your PhD education by your PhD-study advisor.

Information for institutions, universities, organisatios and companies

The courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics can be given as Commissoned Courses for institutions, universities, organizations and companies. This allows for e.g. teachers and researchers to attend the course without having to submit formal qualifications to be admitted to the course. More information about this opportunity can be found here.

*About ECTS

ECTS, short for the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries.

For successfully completed studies, ECTS credits are awarded at 60 credits per annum, corresponding to approximately 1500-1800 hours of study, irrespective of standard or qualification type. This facilitates transfer and progression throughout the nations of the union.

The ECTS credit system makes it easier for education providers to assess the merits of international students. It also makes your life easier because the education that you receive from different universities can more easily be accounted for in your degree.

The main course in pharmaceutical bioinformatics awards 7.5 ECTS credits and is thus a 5 week course, corresponding to approximately 200 hours of study. These can be transferred to your formal degree as an optional course.

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